effective communication skills

Effective Communication Training Customized For You

We bring effective communication training workshops to your location

Our effective communication workshops use computer-generated visuals and sound, speaker-audience interaction, interactive surveys, and other exercises to leave a lasting improvement on the way you and your staff work together and communicate with everyone they meet. Paul's communication workshops provide something valuable and new that participants can actually begin using the second they walk away from the meeting.

The following programs are available in ninety minute to full day versions and can serve as the foundation for your own customized meeting.

To create your own customized communication workshop, use this survey.

COMMUNICATION DYNAMIX™ communication training seminar workshop
Research shows that 93% of human communication is non-verbal and this program will give all participants eye-opening insight into how to use the unconscious mind to dramatically improve the results of their communications.

Get your message across, train, motivate more effectively. And see the results of these skills both at work and at home!

COMMUNICATION DYNAMIX™ is designed to leave a lasting improvement on the way participants work together and communicate with everyone they meet. We know you are increasingly pressured to deliver programs that provide measurable results. That’s why this program provides something valuable and new that participants can actually begin using from the second they walk away from the meeting.

PERSUASION DYNAMIX™persuasion training seminar workshop
Nobody wants to be "sold," do they? Of course not. And while you may or may not be in sales or “selling” anything, there are many times when you need to persuade others to your way of thinking. Don’t you?

Fortunately, research shows that most people believe they are resistant to sales pitches. This is good news because the same research shows the more someone believes they can’t be sold, the easier it is to persuade them... as long as you don’t use techniques they recognize as “sales” techniques.

There is no need to use pressure when there are much more subtle and effective methods of influence!

More popular communication training programs...

These programs are well suited to shorter presentations.


The Basics of Communication and Persuasion in Black and White

Why can you still remember jingles and slogans that you haven't heard for years? This fast-paced and fun presentation uses television commercials from the 1950s, '60s and '70s to illustrate and explain the basics of communication and persuasion.

During this presentation you will laugh while you learn to use these same techniques to propel your communication and persuasion abilities to a new level. Key outcomes include the five basic components of all successful communication; three simple, time-proven techniques that will ensure other people agree with you and take action, and more.


How to Easily Determine, Motivate and Manage Every Personality

Why do people do the things they do? The answer in many cases is that they simply can't help it! Research has shown that each person is born with a basic personality type that forms the basis of their personality and explains many basic behaviors.

Using a hands-on exercise, this presentation will allow you to discover your own personality type and learn how to quickly recognize, manage and motivate others based on their personality types.

Key outcomes include learning the four basic and eight "blended" personality types, three sure-fire strategies for creating mesmerizing communication by instantly adapting to the other person's personality, and more.


Each person has a preferred method of absorbing and retaining information and this presentation uses a quick survey to help each attendee discover what their preferred method is. Stories, illustrations, and videos are then used to demonstrate how to use this knowledge of yourself to interact more effectively with everyone you meet.

  • The three primary methods of absorbing and retaining information
  • The short cut to creating rapport with anyone
  • How to instantly adapt communication style to other people

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Effective Communication Skills TrainingFind Your Communication Style For Free

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