Relationship Advice
Creating Instant Attraction
Here's how to use non-verbal communication and physiology to create instant rapport!
Communication Styles In Relationships
For both men and women, romantic relationships present some of the most difficult communication challenges
that we face. In both dating and established relationships, communication is the key to developing and preserving
the companionship, love, and belonging that we all need to live happy and fulfilled lives.
Research which began in the 1940s and continues today has revealed there are four major styles of communication.
Some people combine two of these styles, but we all have a dominant natural style of communication that we prefer
to use.
The good news is that people in each style group tend to react in a rather predictable way when faced with the
circumstances and situations of life and this consistency provides us with a framework that can be used to refine
and improve communication in personal relationships.
Because each of these styles has its own strengths and weaknesses and it is important to realize that no style
is superior or inferior to others.
Which Style Are You?