effective communication skills

Your representational system is primarily DIGITAL

What this means for effective communication

Each person has a preferred method of receiving and storing information and we call this their "representational system". For example: the room temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit is the same physical temperature as about 21 degrees Celsius. It is the same information, just represented in a different way.

People have different systems for absorbing and storing information... it's the same information, just stored a different way. Adapting the way that you give the information to the way the other person prefers to receive it, will instantly make you a more effective communicator.

Digital people tend to absorb information from the world around them using primarily the words and sounds that they hear and supplement it with visuals. They tend to store the information primarily as facts.

Digital people use visuals, sounds, and feelings when necessary because you can't absorb information through logic. Note that your representational system is not always the same in every situation, but we each have an overall preferred method. The results of the survey indicate that yours is primarily Digital.

Some of the common characteristics of a digital person

Of course these aren't absolutes, but they are tendencies for digital people.

Logic plays a key role in the decision process as do facts and figures.
Sometimes you talk to yourself. You might even remember discussing something with another person, but you didn't really have the conversation.
Memorize by steps, procedures, sequences.
You want to know that things make sense.
Have a need to make sense of the world, to figure things out, to understand
Learn by working things out in your mind.
Tend not to be spontaneous, as you like to think things through.

Sample words

People tend to use and prefer words and phrases that match their representational system. Some examples for digital people are:

  • Notice
  • Regard
  • Study
  • Perceive
  • Experience
  • Decide
  • Know
  • Understand
  • Consider
  • Ponder
  • Reflect
  • Explore
  • Examine
  • Enlighten
  • Motivate

 Sample phrases

  • Have a hunch
  • Sensitive to
  • Think of it as
  • Get a load of
  • Know-how
  • Gut reaction
  • Be aware of
  • Take in
  • Come alive
  • Give birth to
  • Know-how
  • In the know
  • Decide for yourself
  • Keep your shirt on
  • Full of possibilities
  • Get the drift of
  • Know-nothing
  • Think about it

How you can tell if someone is digital

When you interact with other people, it's not possible to give them the survey to find our what their representational system is, so you will have to use your powers of observation and do a little detective work. Here are some clues that you can look for:

They will tend to use digital words and phrases like the ones above.
They tend to talk about facts instead of pictures, words, or feelings.

How you can use this

The first rule of Maximum Communication is that the result of the communication is the responsibility of the communicator.

Knowing your system and the system of the other person or persons will allow you to convey your information in a way they will be able to understand by adapting your speaking, writing, or presentation to match their representational system. Remember... it's your responsibility to change to match them if you want to be effective.

One of the ways that this can be done is simply to match the words they use. If they say "what do you think?", don't say "sounds good to me", say "makes sense". You can increase their understanding simply by matching their words. But, that's just the beginning!

Learn more

For a fun and entertaining explanation of how representational systems work, join me for "I Think I Know What I Think You Said".

This DVD is a recording of a live presentation and includes information about the other three systems (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) along with demonstrations and a complete method for easily using the power of representational systems in your daily communication.

  • Learn the characteristics of all four representational systems and how to use them to supercharge your personal and business communications.
  • Find out the secret way of instantly adapting yourself to the other person(s) without having to think about it.
  • Watch and play along as audience members discover the secrets of using the unconscious mind to communicate more effectively.
  • Discover why communication can go horribly wrong as I bring someone on stage and tell them "I don't like you". Watch and learn from their surprising reaction.
  • Uncover a powerful way to create rapport with complete strangers.
  • How to use representation systems to enhance romantic relationships.

The regular price at live events is: $49.95. Your special price is $29.97 when you order now.

Of course it comes with my money back guarantee.

Effective communication training about representational systems  



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