effective communication training

Partner With Us

We are searching for a limited number of exclusive partners to help us bring Maximum Advantage audio, video, print, and seminar products to a wider audience of people. You already know that Paul Endress and Maximum Advantage provide unique, high quality solutions to the communication challenges and opportunities faced by millions of people... so here is your chance to join us.

It takes a special kind of person, or organization, to truly leverage this opportunity and
turn it into a profitable venture for a mutually beneficial relationship so we invite you to apply now so that we can begin a long and profitable relationship.

Here are some of the details of the benefits that you can expect when you partner with us.

Benefits to you

30% commission on all audio, video, print, and live event products.
20% recurring commission on all subscription products.
Invitations to private partner only events.
Sales contests with significant bonus dollars available.
A complete set of links and banners that you can quickly add to your web site and marketing materials to begin earning right away.
Earn free copies of our products and tickets to our events. Sell them and keep all ofthe money!
An opportunity to have Paul speak and/ or present a live workshop at one of your organizations events.

Things you can do

Here are some easy ways that you can maximize your earning power:

Place the banners on your website.
Include a link in all of your outbound emails.
Send a promotional email to your list.

Then you can sit back a enjoy your recurring commissions!

 Apply Now!